What Day Were You Born On?

Courtesy Starseed411
These special angels watch over and protect you, and were assigned to you
on the day that you were born.

Monday's Angel

If you were born on a Monday Gabriel the Archangel has been assigned to watch over and protect you. Gabriel embraces life and all that goes along with it. He love to raise your spirits and pull you up when your life isn't going quite the way you would like. He projects goodness and good fortune and is always there when a message of hope or good cheer are about to come your way. He is diligent in delivering the gifts that God wants to bestow upon us and is very majestic and powerful. Gabriel helps us to remember our purpose here on earth and will go to great lengths to help us reach our goals. Call upon Gabriel in your daily trials for he will assist you and go beyond the call of duty to make things happen for you.  His main goal is to create emotional balance around you He is associated with the color peach Jasmine, Rose, & Sandalwood attract him Crystals, Golden topaz, & Citrine get his attention He teaches us to accomplish our life lessons and purpose here on earth Feel free to contact him often.

Tuesday's Angel
Camael is the angel for Tuesday. Camael is the "Angel of Love," and Divine Justice is this angels calling. You will find Camael in all places of worship and the ocean is a perfect dwelling for Camael to spend time. To love one's self as well as others is the lesson this angel teaches, and Camael is called upon in situations where love has gone or is about to bloom. This angel is in the Celestial order of Seraphim and the color Saffron will attract this loving being. Mars is the governing planet and personal power and love along with self expression are this angels goal. Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, and a touch of Vetivert will attract Cameal, and Sunstone, Yellow Citrine and Quartz are the gems that call Camael forth. Is your self confidence low? How about your self esteem? Let Camael pull you up and show you how to love and appreciate yourself and others. Call upon this Archangel day or night and Camaels love and support will encompass you.

Wednesday's Angel
Wednesday's Angel is Raphael. He is the "Angel of Healing" and his great white wings will encompass all that are in need of his healing power. His work often reigns in hospitals and by the bedside of those who are ill. If you place your thoughts on beauty, health and fitness you are being guided and directed by the Archangel Raphael. Raphael knows that the body is a temple for our soul and when we eat right and keep this wonderful machine we live in healthy it is easy for Raphael to touch us in all of his magnificence. If you are feeling ill or fatigued just close your eyes and ask for Raphael's healing touch. Soon you will be energized and your health will improve. He watches over our loved ones and when they are ill feel free to send Raphael to their side. Want to get in better shape?  Ask Raphael and he will send you to the right people. A book may jump off the shelf, or a friend may call with a suggestion on taking better care of yourself. Raphael works in many ways, through many people to guide and ensure that our health and well being are taken care of. "Ask and ye shall receive". Pink and green are his favorite colors and Mercury is the planet he rules over. Touch is very important to Raphael, and Bergamot, Rose, and Melissa along with Emeralds Tourmaline, & Rose quartz are his healing scents and gems. "Forgive those who have scorned you" are his motto and being compassionate and loving are his goal. Call upon the Archangel Raphael for all of your health concerns and you will feel his healing energy around you.

Thursday's Angel

Metatron the Angel of "Thought" governs all born on Thursday. Watching over our thoughts on a daily basis is something this angel excels at Metatron knows that thoughts can create good as well as bad and his intelligence is around us to guide us and help us to see the truth. He is very powerful and will assist us in letting go of negative thought patterns if we ask for his help. His goal is to replace negative and destructive thinking with positive, uplifting thoughts of ourselves and other. He will clear your mind and show you the truth. Metatron knows the power of thought and teaches us to use our thoughts to accomplish our goals and purpose here on earth. Everything does begin with a thought. We can allow our imaginations to go wild or look for a deeper and more loving reason for all that happens in our lives. Which do you choose? Let Metatron guide us and show us how positive loving thoughts can change our lives for the better. Call upon Metatron anytime day or night to clean and cleanse your thought patterns and your goals will follow. Lapis Blue is his favorite color and will attract him, he watches over the earth day and night, and sound and hearing are the senses he protects. Myrrh & Chamomile are his favorite scents, and Aquamarine, and the color Turquoise are his favorite crystals. Self Expression is his specialty so feel free to contact Metatron for all of your projects and endeavors. He will put the right thoughts into your mind and create a sense of determination and well being.

Friday's Angel
Friday's special angel is Uriel the Archangel. Salvation is this angels purpose and he seeks to help those who are ready to turn their lives over to a higher power. The light of God glows brightly around Uriel and the sun is one of his favorite places. He travels fast and will arrive on our beckon call. He is like the sun and the warmth that it projects and all that he touches will shine. Life's pressure getting you down? Call upon Uriel for assistance and a path will open for you. One door will close and another will open. Stability will reign and a sense of well being will return. Uriel is ("Gods Burning Flame") and he shines brightly for all of those who call upon his divine presence. The Third eye is the charka in which Uriel resides and red and yellow are the colors in which he loves. Let Uriel come into your life today and watch the sun start to shine where darkness once reigned. Let this order of Seraphim guide and support you in all that you do.

Saturday's Angel

Cassiel watches over those of you born on Saturday. Being the "Angel of Temperance" Cassiel will boost your creative power and put you in touch with the true power of your being. What do you desire most in life? Once you know this Cassiel will be happy to guide you in attaining your goals. The physical is also part of Cassiels calling and this archangel has no trouble with adding energy and zest to your life. Feeling low, call upon Cassiel to lift you both mentally and physically. Nature is also a place that Cassiel respects and loves. A walk on the beach, in the forest or nature trail, these are some of Cassiels favorite places and you will feel his presence very strongly. Are you grateful for all that you have in your life? Cassiel will shed many blessings on those who are aware of what they already have. Count your blessings daily and watch Cassiel bring forth more than you have ever dreamed. Churches and sacred dwellings are also favorite places, and gold, violet and white are the colors which Cassiel delights in. Lavender, Rosewood, & Frankincense are the scents he adores, and Diamonds as well as Amethyst are his favorite gems. Flowers will also bring forth this angel and prayers are appreciated and welcome in his presence. Call upon the energy of Cassiel for all creative endeavors and you will be delighted with the results.

Sunday's Angel

Born on the Sabbath Day? Michael the Archangel is watching over you. Protection is his goal and he diligently watches over you as well as the ones you love. He is the warrior and protector and guards the gates of heaven. He will protect you on your path to enlightenment and will make sure that you are guided along the way. He has quite an appetite of spiritual knowledge and will come to the aid of all those on a quest for spiritual growth. Are you feeling a bit stagnant lately? Does your personal growth seem to be diminishing? Call upon the Archangel Michael to rekindle the flame. He will support and guide your spiritual growth and make sure you stay on the right path. Trust in him and know he is always around you. His power and strength are immense and his mighty presence is felt by all that choose to call upon his divine nature. He is a very responsible and doesn't take his responsibilities lightly. He is here to fulfill our spiritual needs, and Patchouli, Cedarwood, and Myrrh are his favorite scents. He teaches us to stand up for all that we are and Hematite, Tigers eye and Bloodstone are the gems that he delights in. Crimson is his favorite color and the root chakra is where he dwells. Call upon this heavenly protector for your needs and you will never be let down.