Point of Power - Crystal Pyramid Energy Generator

Our purpose and destiny in the human form is to unite with cosmic consciousness by raising our vibrations and radiating our light on the material plane. Our body is an emanating field of energy we can transform by expanding and storing our energy for personal and planetary betterment.

ORGONE ENERGY is "The Higher Power We Can Use", what is also called the Life Force/Chi/Prana and many others, the live cosmic energy of nature that is present everywhere. This cosmic force is a spontaneously pulsating, mass-free energy that fills the Universe and comes from the Sun in vast quantities. Orgone fields of energy are generated inside the CRYSTAL-PYRAMID structure to channel and ground these higher energies into our lives. The energy moves in the direction of a magnetic field, having a constant motion in an upward tendency. It will pass through all materials at variant speeds, radiates a great distance and will interact in accordance with the understanding of the user.

PYRAMID POWER is intrinsic to the pyramid shape which has been proven to function as a geometric accumulator and amplifier of strong energy forces. Placing crystals in geometric energy forms within the pyramid, dramatically magnifies the overall energies as they blend together in a unified gridwork lattice. The pyramid-crystal synergy waves focus through numerous centres with a concentration in the crystal capstone. This transmuting pyramidal energy manifests a powerful vortex of spiraling healing energies, that will then interrelate with the chakras of the human body.