Help From The Medicine Wheel

Everyone has times they need help quickly; knowledge of the Medicine Wheel can help if you know where to find it. Emotional and spiritual problems you might have, all positions will give you insight into your problems. Once you get to know the Medicine Wheel you can go to it physically or through visualization.

Hold in your hands the stones representing the Medicine Wheel, wear jewelry containing the stones, just sit or stand by it, or meditate on its picture.

You can use plants for this position to aid you by looking at the picture holding it, drinking tea made from it, or finding a natural setting and sitting within it.

Animal totems can aid you if you visualize it, look at a photo or hold a fetish that reminds you of the animal.

Color of the correct position can also help you, if you surround yourself with it by putting some clothing of the color or going into a room or auto of the color, you can use candles of that color or shade.

Help comes fast if you go to Mother Earth and work with the Medicine Wheel to help you find what you need.

Directions Of The Power Animals
Welcome mighty Spirit Animals of the East; Lions, Tigers and Wolves, be with us and guard us now as we enter into the sacred circle.

Welcome mighty Spirit Animals of the South; Horses, Apes and Elephants, be with us and guard us now as we enter into the sacred circle.

Welcome mighty Spirit Animals of the West; Whales, Dolphins and Seals, be with us and guard us now as we enter into sacred circle.

Welcome mighty Spirit Animals of the North; Eagles, Ravens, and Hawks, be with us and guard us as we enter the sacred circle.

Welcome Father Sky and Mother Earth, be with us and guide and protect as we enter into the sacred circle.

We thank the animals of the East, South, West and North. We thank you Father Sky and Mother Earth. We respect and honor you and give thanks to all of you for your protection. Aho